Friday 21 November 2014

Amarakosha: Sun, Moon, Star, The Planets

Amarakosha: Sun, Moon, Star, Planets

Shared by Sandeep Nangia on twitter

Synonyms of Sun

Sun - The break up of the words


Ray - break-up of the words

Sunshine and light

Light - Break up of the words

Sunshine - break -up of the words

Synonyms of moon

Moon - The break up of the words

Synonyms of parts of the moon / moonlight

Breakup of the words - Moonlight

Synonms of spots, marks, great beauty

The word break-up

Synonyms of Star

Star - word break-up

Some more on stars

Names of Jupiter

Names of Shukra (Venus)

Break-up of the words - Names of Venus

Names of Mercury and Mars

Break up of words - Mars

Break-up of the words - Mercury

Names of Rahu

Word break-up - Rahu